Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Mike Dukakis

This weekend I had the good fortune of meeting former presidential candidate Micheal Dukakis. Dukakis talked at length about his experience in his failed bid for the presidency in 1988. The main idea behind Dukakis's talk was how he lead a bad national campaign and that in the states that he did well like California it was because he had people on the ground that worked hard to get out the vote! He said that many people right off big states like CA & NY as not winnable on the ground and only winnable by spending big money. Dukakis believes that if you have a strong field operation and precinct captains in each election district that are responsible for bringing out the vote then that is worth more then any massive TV commercial blitz! This talk really confirmed in me that there is no substitute for one on one, person to person campaigning!

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